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Monday, January 1, 2024

Junk Journal 2024 - January Hosted by Meg Journals

Challenge Three - Meg Journals has posted a daily challenge for January 2024.  They have given a prompt and we create a journal page using that prompt. Inspiration is the key word here -- the first prompt for January (January 1st) is "Resolution".

Diana and I are participating in this one, too.  

I could have written down one or two of my Resolutions (yep, I have more than one -- it is going to be a busy year for me keeping up with all of them), but I chose to junk journal my resolutions.  I created a little book and inside the book I listed one resolution for each page.  I attached it to my journal using a modified (short) belly band.


Diana used a slightly different interpretation and was able to put both January 1st and January 2nd on one page:

How you create your "Collage Book" is all up to you. Do YOU.

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